My Hero Academia is an anime based on a world where people possesses abilities, known as quirks. Every person possesses a different quirk which grants them a unique ability. Some people use their power for good while others use their quirks for their greed and selfish reasons. The story of My Hero Academia shows a young boy, Izuku Midoriya who initially was quirkless. His life changes after he meets the superhero, he admires the most All Might who passes his quirk to him.
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What will happen in Season 7 of My Hero Academia?
Season 7 of My Hero Academia will release on May 4th, 2024 with 4 ‘Memories’ recap special scheduled for the preceding month of April. It would cover the ‘Star and Stripes’, ‘U.A. Traitor’ and first part of ‘Final War’ arcs. The season would deal with the aftermath of the destruction caused by the League of Villains and Liberation Army. The main protagonist Deku, would be shown exploring his quirks in his journey to become the strongest hero. Many new heroes would be introduced like the Star and Stripes. It would be going to be an exciting arc for all the fandom of My Hero Academia.
What happened in Season 6 of My Hero Academia?
Paranormal Liberation Front
Season 6 of My Hero Academia continues to follow the journey of Izuku Midoriya to become the strongest hero. It covers the ‘Paranormal Liberation War’ arc of the manga. The arc showed the alliance of the League of Villains and the Liberation Army, led by Tomura Shigaraki. The arc also showed joint combat training of class 1-A and class 1-B in order to become stronger to defeat the Paranormal Liberation Front. The information gathered by Hawks who works as a spy in the Paranormal Liberation Front, helps the heroes to plan an attack on the Villains. The all out war between the Paranormal Liberation Front and the Heroes causes mass destruction and casualties.
Dark Heroes (vigilante Deku)
The second half of the Arc, also called the ‘Dark Heroes’ arc covers the aftermath of the war. Due to the unsuccessful attempt to defeat the villains, the public loses its trust from the Heroes. All these things lead to the breakdown of many heroes like Deku and Endeavour. The arc also features a vigilante version of Deku, who works in the shadows to defeat villains and continues to master all of his quirks. He staying away from his friends to protect them. But all the students of class 1-A were able to persuade him to return back.
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