Konosuba is an anime which follows Satou Kazuma, a shut-in NEET. He enjoys his days playing games but one day he met with an unfortunate accident. Kazuma does and gets reincarnated in an Isekai world with a useless goddess Aqua. Soon, his party was joined by Megumin, a crimson demon and Darkness, a crusader. He considers all of his party members hopeless and is forced to defeat the Devil King. Konosuba Season 3 of Konosuba follows the adventure of Kazuma along with water goddess Aqua, Megumin and Darkness.
When is konosuba season 3 coming out?
Konosuba season 3 is coming out on April 10th, 2024. The anime will be initially airing on Japanese television channel Tokyo MX at 11:30 p.m. JST.
What happened in konosuba season 2 and the Legend of Crimson movie?
In season 2 of Konosuba, Kazuma and Aqua go into a dungeon and purify an undead, kneel that lives there. However, later they get to know that another monster is capturing the dungeon. They were called out to look into the matter as they were known for troubles. Upon entering the dungeon, Kazuma and Darkness run into one of the Generals of Demon King, named Vanir. Vanir captures the body of Darkness but gets exploded by the explosion of Megumin.
After this Encounter, the party of Kazuma becomes debt free and also gets 40 million Eris as reward. After that, Kazuma goes into the shop of Wiz to inform about the death of Vanir. He finds that Vanir was still alive but was not evil. Instead, Vanir proposes a business offer to Kazuma to make modern life equipment to sell in the market.
Then, Kazuma and his friends take a holiday to the hot springs town of Arcanretia and run into another general, Hans, the deadly poison slime. The team was able to defeat the general by using the ice-magic of Wiz and the holy powers of Aqua. With this, they return again to Axel in search of new adventures
Upon their arrival, Megumin receives a letter from her childhood friend Yun-Yun, requesting the gang to head to Crimson Demon village. Another general, Sylvia, was residing in the village in search of a powerful weapon, the mage killer. But, Kazuma’s party again hinders her mission and defeats her.
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